The Best Toddler Baseball Equipment & Gear for Little League
From bats to gloves, here's everything you need.

Properbaseball equipmentis a must if you’re raising the next Derek Jeter or Dot Richardson. Sure, kids can use a wood stick, in a pinch, but investing inessential baseball gearlike a bat andgloveis worth your time and money. The best toddler baseball gear instills a love of the game in youngsters, and considering thatbaseballisAmerica’s oldest pastime, teachingkidshow to play is both a paternal and a patriotic duty. Improving a young player’s skills requires two things: proper instruction and a crap ton of practice (It’s all about the muscle memory, son). Assuming your kid’s coach knows what he’s talking about when it comes to proper batting stance and slider-throwing, this baseball equipment and baseball gear for kids will help yourLittle Leaguerput it all together in the backyard.
It’s also important to know that as of January 1, 2018, USA Baseball implementednew bat requirementsthat impact 14-and-under youth leagues. That means that bats bearing the 1.15BPF stamp are no longer approved for use in these leagues; you must have a bat that is marked USA Baseball.
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