


通过 萨尔Vaglica


在过去十年的办公室工作环境进化显著的跑步机办公桌。首先是瑜伽球,下一个立式办公桌和摆动板。很清楚,值得所有添加到佳能办公空间,提供一定的救济坐在办公桌后面带来的衰变。但是这些是修改以上的范式转换。走一直在工作,而且将永远是最后的边疆。问题是,传统的跑步机上做既响亮的和破坏性的(毕竟,这些都是速度超过分贝水平)。我承认我想要跳上一个跑步机办公桌多年但担心同事的判断。现在,在Labradoodle的注视之下,我终于自由了。当然,2100美元的Unsit跑步机并不便宜,但这是精心设计的,微风设置,——最重要的是容易融入你的日常生活中比人们想象的工作。让我们得到一些规格的。Unsit看起来不像任何其他的跑步机。约39英寸宽,56英寸长,它是更广泛的比跑步机和较短的你都见过的。 This design enables a 30-inch-wide walking area, which reduces the bulk necessary for a running stride. I’m 6’4″ and fit on the treadmill perfectly. It’s also much slower than you might expect: the belt slide by between 0.3 and 2 miles per hour. (Most humans walk at about 1.5 miles per hour.) It supports up to 400 pounds with a 5-inch step-up height, making it ideal for those of us who have put on a little pandemic weight.


那么它是如何工作的呢?滑下跑步机站在桌子上,跳上。已有研究工作的功效而走,和一个2019年哈佛健康信哈佛医学院的指出,很难集中而走。我发现有点真实的。大约80%的我的办公室工作,回答电子邮件、熟化、互联网研究,社交媒体发布,打电话,我可以走在1到1.5英里每小时,真的没有注意到中断。但是如果我真的不得不集中注意力,我想坐下来。和最好的设置是一个行走的办公桌:希望坐下来。你可以买一个凳子穿上你的跑步机,但我的办公室有点不同。我定位立式办公桌短,30英寸宽度的桌面是大约4英尺距离最近的墙。在桌子和墙之间的空间,我把一个滚动的办公椅。如果我需要专注,我主外部监控90度,我的无线键盘和鼠标移动到边缘,然后降低我的站在桌子上。在大约一分钟,我塞在,准备得到启动。InMovement sells motorized standing desks to put over this treadmill, which you can buy bundled, or you can use your own, provided there is at least 40 inches of space between the inside of the desk legs. There are a few features I like on the Unsit treadmill. At the top is the control module. This plastic wedge has a knob that controls the speed and it’s easy to see, at a glance, how fast you’re going. It also has a grippy rubber bottom that prevents it from getting tugged off your desk by the power cord tethered to it. The controller’s USB output is a nice place to plug in a smartphone charger. You’ll want to keep that phone nearby with the Unsit app running: The Spartan app has a clean user interface, stores all the steps as a history, and shows your speed. The app uses a combination of your height, which you punch in when you set up an account, and your speed to estimate the number of steps. The app also beams all of that information to Apple Health, which is good because I found that my Apple Watch, when I’m typing and walking, can’t tell that I’m moving — likely because my arms are not swinging. While my Apple Watch alerts me as I close up rings, I hardly ever get time-to-stand notifications these days. One issue that InMovement is working on is auto-connecting the controller to your phone through Bluetooth. Right now, that’s manual, but an update rolling out soon will make it automatic so steps are always logged.It’s been a few months of walking and I’ve found it pretty seamless to work into my day. Even the dog’s used to the sound of the belt now.

