




听着,我们理解。我们也有孩子。当他们看着我们的眼睛第一次与信任和依赖和爱,我们发誓要永远保护他们,就像你做的一样。我们让他们接种过去瘟疫脊髓灰质炎和腮腺炎和仍然流行的流感病毒和肝炎。我们带他们去看医生,当他们生病了。我们编辑和作家在蹦蹦跳跳的,可怕的妈妈,父亲的,和爸爸,愿意为我们做任何事和大孩子婴幼儿和青少年。万博max手机3.0我们永远不会伤害他们。我们会在死前伤害他们。就像你。我们第一次希望COVID疫苗是在2020年的夏天。 We read about Sarah Gilbert, the British woman who helped develop the AstraZeneca vaccine. A detail jumped out: Her 21-year-old triplets had participated in the clinical trial. She’d enrolled her children —她的孩子们——为她的实验性疫苗试验。母亲永远不会,永远,把她的孩子会受到伤害。她知道这工作。她知道这是安全的。此后,无数人把他们的孩子放在试验,太——现代化,辉瑞公司,强生。这些孩子们做的很好;副作用是最小的。那些父母给他们的孩子免疫力的礼物。现在我们都可以给孩子们礼物。编辑器中没有犹豫,中心的育儿组合楼给我们的孩子接种疫苗,部分原因是我们已经报道2020年3月以来COVID的影响。我们发表了数以百计的故事公共卫生指南; talked to dozens of epidemiologists and virologists, pediatricians and vaccinologists; pored over studies; and tested counterarguments. We’ve been waiting eagerly for the vaccine to be cleared for everyone older than 5, and now it’s here. It’s cause for celebration. If you have decided to “wait and see” with your kids, this will never end. If you “do your own research” on the internet and listen to your skeptical friends instead of the CDC or your own pediatrician, then you aren’t really protecting your children. Vaccines aren’t the kind of medicine that works if only some of us get them — this isn’t a “you do what’s right for you and I’ll do what’s right for me” situation. Communicable diseases only end when we all have gotten our shot. Everyone. Getting your shot is an incredible feeling. One of our kids, a 6-year-old, got his first dose last week. “I’m excited to be protected from COVID,” he told the nurse in his sweet, brave voice. “It’s the best thing I’ve ever done,” he told his father later that day. Another one of our children told his mother that the day he got his shot was “the second most important day of my life, after the day I was born.” So, what are you waiting for? Make your appointment today. Let’s end this thing together. Sincerely, The editors of BDG’s Parenting Portfolio,可怕的妈妈,蹦蹦跳跳的人,万博max手机3.0,的爸爸
