万博max手机3.0父亲的作家伊恩拼写和他的女儿杰米拼写谈论“世界有点模糊的“apple +。
首先,一些背景。杰米一直热爱音乐:流行音乐、独立创作歌手声。她唱歌和吉他课程但从未跟随那些缪斯。我作为她的父亲和一个娱乐记者,总是试图保持当前和理解她的音乐品味。我也是音乐会爸爸带杰米-后来杰米和朋友去音乐会。我追着Ticketmaster或StubHub票。而不是坐在车里,我就买一个便宜的座位高的地方在任何地点,和观看演出。我利用联系人安排见面和问候。我们说亚伦卡特,希拉里·达芙,乔纳斯兄弟,黛米•洛瓦托、麦莉·赛勒斯,卢卡斯·格雷厄姆,比利·乔。你懂的。 I snagged tickets for Jamie and her friends to see two Eilish shows in 2020, one in New York City and the other in North Carolina, the latter Eilish’s final show before the pandemic abruptly ended her tour. I admit to being sad about the Eilish shows. I kind of wanted to go. And I wanted to go with Jamie. But she’s outgrown that experience, at least for now. (NOTE from Jamie: Dad, I’d go to a Billie concert with you any day. NOTE from Dad: Awwww).This brings us back to这个世界有点模糊。杰米·罗利飞独奏在她的公寓里,和我在新泽西的家中,我的妻子和狗。三,二,一…这部纪录片开始。Eilish允许完全访问导演R.J. Cutler拍摄的摄像机跟踪Eilish - 16和17岁的她第一次品味明星,她与可笑的天才哥哥/最好的朋友,Finneas,在他的童年bedroom-turned-home工作室,记录她突破的首张专辑,2019年的“当我们睡着了,我们去哪里?“纪录片也落后于Eilish她旅游,执行规模越来越大的人群。视频被Eilish无处不在的母亲,玛姬,补充卡特勒的镜头,我们看到很多Eilish的父亲帕特里克,家族的温和,经长期使用的房子在洛杉矶他们的狗,胡椒。
“我不能! ! ! ! ! ! ! !“杰米文本几分钟的电影。“她太他妈的有才华。她没有比16。”“你喜欢她吗?”我回复短信。“她的歌词吗?她的风格吗?她的阶段存在吗?上面所有的,”杰米回答。“她是一个真正的人的误解了那些还没有成为投资于她的故事。更不用说纯人才在她和她的弟弟。 One thing to be dope and have a presence and be a good celebrity. But another to actually have substance in the work. They’re such artists.”Eilish is, by turns, funny, smart, bossy, modest, cranky, happy, and petulant. She freely discusses her Tourette’s. She harbors misgivings about her new music: “It’s just like everything else we’ve ever written.” Songwriting “tortures” her, especially because Finneas is so good at it. She was schooled at home, prompting a DJ to suggest she’s like Doogie Howser. “Who’s that?” Eilish asks. She can’t fathom how or why her “very dedicated niche audience” adores her. Her shows grow in scale. A reporter asks, “Are you ready for the next level of superstardom?” Eilish’s eyes bulge. “NO!” Later, she admits, “I don’t like pressure,” then adds, “I don’t feel pressure most of the time.” Backstage at a concert, Katy Perry gushes about Eilish’s talent and offers this: “This is gonna be wild for 10 years. This is gonna be weird. If you ever wanna talk…” Eilish adorably doesn’t recognize the guy with Perry. It’s Orlando Bloom.“Note the Star Trek shirt,” I text Jamie.“Oh, look at that!!!!” she replies. “Points in ur book?”“What’s ridiculous with her is how amazing her voice is,” I write. “As in just her at the mic. No sweetening.”“Nothing,” Jamie confirms. “She doesn’t autotune anything. There’s only one song out that has intentional autotune. All her songs are made with layers and layers of vocals and harmonies of her own voice… Is Mom enjoying? Is she respecting the art?”“She is,” I note. “And she’s intrigued.”
这部纪录片然后引导进入更深晦涩的领域。Eilish日记揭示一些险恶的意象和自我厌恶:“我是一个空白。的缩影。”她承认自己过去。在网络,她最大的展示,Eilish忘记一首新歌的歌词和担心眼睛会为了她而不是大规模故障屏幕在她身后。她的妈妈,爸爸和哥哥试图支撑她精神和自我,大多都无济于事。和严重的男孩问题,更不用说循环外胫夹和脚踝问题,加剧的情况。“他们不回避描绘她完全一样,”杰米说。有轻松的时刻,包括当Eilish被她的驾照(提示有关爸爸的演讲),当她遇到她的偶像,粉碎,和想象的丈夫。Eilish施坦斯贾斯汀·比伯,自童年。她知道关于他的每一个细节。 Upon meeting him at Coachella, she stares in disbelief before he wraps her in a long, warm, genuine embrace. She then cries in his arms. Interestingly, Eilish’s infatuation with Bieber perfectly parallels that of her own fans with her – something she highlights as tough to comprehend.Bieber lingers in the air for much of这个世界有点模糊。他是不言而喻的海报男孩什么可能出错的一个音乐神童,但他也是从灰烬,复活他的事业和声誉,结婚。他发送Eilish漫长的,美丽的注意,她上气不接下气地朗读。“我太深刻的印象你的气场,存在…享受每一刻你正在经历什么。“杰米指出,这部纪录片的重点并不一定是好东西,音乐的过程,甚至她发展的信心。相反,这是典型的推拉的,更多地发挥作用。万博体育app安卓版下载Eilish之间有一场辩论的妈妈,有人从她的标签可能令人沮丧的歌曲和一个禁毒信息标签的恐惧可能会再次困扰Eilish。公平点,但妈妈认为比利应该现在她是谁,和她的音乐应该是自由生长。然后,在一个特别尖锐的评论,玛吉地址最常见的一种抱怨她女儿的工作:音乐是令人沮丧的。“不,”她坚决地说,“孩子们沮丧。”Cutler goes on to depict a physically and emotionally spent Eilish become irritated, first when quick backstage hellos become an extended meet-and-greet, and then when Eilish must contend with the subsequent online criticism. “I literally can’t have a bad moment,” the rightly frustrated Eilish declares. Maggie and Patrick, but especially Maggie, are in the middle of all this, protecting their daughter, encouraging her, grounding her, but Billie is literally and figuratively the family business. That’s a tricky tightrope to walk. And Maggie and Patrick, both former actors, know the game all too well.Finneas, 23, is a musical mastermind. He writes and produces most of his sister’s songs, and plays several of the instruments. He soothes Billie when she expresses doubt that she can “belt” the booming parts of her James Bond theme song, “没有时间去死”,当她——又担忧”的意思是“互联网巨魔。也许最适合的兄弟姐妹串联焦点不关心他,尽管他也承认他们的标签是指望他来哄的热门单曲。“我知道这部电影是关于比利,”杰米我文本。“但是我想知道这整个经历就像Finneas。”“他是真的强大到他的叙述,“我很自豪能成为比利Eilish的弟弟,“”杰米回答道。“但是,是的,会感兴趣。无比利Finneas。”这个世界有点模糊没有那么多建立一个结论Eilish的下一时刻的事业。显示更大、风险更高。这张专辑滴…和爆炸。然后,她是等量目瞪口呆,骄傲,太酷了学校,和害羞,当她赢得了五项格莱美奖,包括最佳新艺人。早期电影,Eilish——一个多色彩的在她的声音不耐烦——细节不同,她过去直接她的音乐视频。最后,她在一组视频,确实地发号施令。这将是有趣Eilish将去往何方。她能得到更大的吗?处理更多的压力?找到更多的乐趣比压力? Also, will she ever again let cameras document her every move or allow fans to glimpse the flashes of sadness and self-doubt that inevitably plague any great artist?通过对Facetime杰米戒指。“这是惊人的,”她激动地说。“我要看一遍。我做的事情是在那个房间里当她创造音乐。比利是一个天才。我打赌大流行是好的…我认为她需要休息。”比利Eilish:世界有点模糊现在是流苹果+。