


通过 伊恩拼写


但没有场景激起辩论比臭名昭著的顺序吉恩·怀尔德旺卡恶意尖叫的爷爷乔(杰克艾伯森),与查理来到他的办公室(Peter Ostrum)要求男孩的一生的旺卡巧克力供应。旺卡宣称查理不会得到糖果,因为他“打破了规则。“爷爷乔问道:“什么规则?我们没有看到任何规则、我们是查理?”Wonka then laces into him, citing rule 37B of the contract Charlie signed. “You stole Fizzy Lifting Drinks!” he screams. “You bumped into the ceiling, which now has to be washed and sterilized. So, you get nothing!!. You lose!!! Good day, sir!!!!” Grandpa Joe then calls Wonka a crook, a cheat and a swindler, and complains that he’s built up a boy’s hopes and then smashed all his dreams to pieces. On the way out the door, Grandpa Joe vows to get even, adding, “Slugworth wants a Gobstopper… He’ll get one.” Charlie stops in his tracks, walks over to Wonka, softly places the Gobstopper on his desk, and steps away. Wonka then grasps the Gobstopper and quietly says, “So shines a good deed in a weary world,” before announcing that Charlie won and joyfully hugging the boy. Slugworth enters the room, and Charlie learns that the man works for Wonka. It was all a test. Charlie passed. The whole factory will soon be his.

现在,这是我的问题在什么场景是我最喜欢的电影之一。虽然他不需要很混蛋,旺卡是正确的。爷爷乔和查理是打破规则。他们有如一样有罪,迈克和奥古斯都和紫色,只有他们并没有被抓到在行动。爷爷乔是一个曲柄整部电影——永远不会起床,抱怨冰冷的地板上,用查理的报童钱买烟草烟斗,呼唤孩子们的管教,等他的人建议抽样碳酸起重喝!他叫旺卡一个骗子的大错特错。与此同时,尽管查理是一个很好的男孩,最终做正确的事,他不仅打破规则,但是如果看“你输了! ! !“现场密切,查理点点头同意当爷爷乔问道,“什么规则?我们没有看到任何规则、我们是查理?”

这一幕几十年来一直困扰着我。有可能有如,迈克,奥古斯都或紫会做正确的事情…如果有机会。他们没有…或者至少观众没有看到这样的场景后,Oompa Loompas唱歌跳舞的屏幕。尽管查理做正确的事,爷爷为他树立了一个坏榜样的孙子在整个电影。发生了什么变化,一旦查理接管了工厂,必须照顾一切,每个人,包括Oompa Loompas吗?我喜欢这部电影的结局其他人一样——特别是当大玻璃Wonkavator打掉天花板,和查理瞥见他的房子和学校——但它仍然困扰我旺卡突然忘记和原谅爷爷乔。更糟糕的是,爷爷是自私的权利的最后一帧的电影。旺卡告诉查理,他给他的工厂,并补充说,查理立即可以移动。爷爷乔奇迹”,我吗?“严重?不管怎么说,五十年后,“你输了! ! !“场景仍然留下了坏味道在我口中。 Fortunately, the movie is always and forever a classic and it does end with one of the best exchanges ever: “Charlie, don’t forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted,” Wonka says. Charlie asks, “What happened.” And a smiling Wonka reveals, “He lived happily ever after.”
