Eric Alt

Ah Choo

This Is Why Some Men Sneeze So Damn Loudly

A completely involuntary act may reveal more about men than you ever knew


22 Ways to Make Sex More Fun When You’re Trying to Conceive

Whether you're trying to conceive or just want to shake things up a bit in bed, here are some suggestions for couples.


There’s No Better Horror Movie Dad Than Craig T. Nelson in ‘Poltergeist’

Let's take a moment appreciate a father who puts family ahead of his career, his reputation, and vengeful spirits from the great beyond.


Why Toddlers Say “No” to Everything And How to Get Them to Say “Yes” More Often

Toddlers come with "No" as their default setting. Here's how to attempt to recalibrate them.


Dads Have More Roles Than Ever. This Father’s Day, Celebrate Them.

The image of the stoic, hands-off dad is slowly giving way to more engaged, proactive, and sensitive fathers. It's time to celebrate that.


5 Days. 5 Different Meals. 2 Satisfied Kids.

A daily food diary.


Employers Are Supporting Work from Home Parents. But Are They Doing It Well?

Employers are well aware that we're all stuck at home now, toiling away in less than ideal conditions. So what are they doing about it?


Nick Offerman’s Five-Step Plan to Get You Into Woodworking

From the mahogany scent of the Offerman Woodshop, Nick Offerman wants you to get going on the first project you are guaranteed to ruin (but that’s OK).


Should Pass/Fail Grading Be the New Normal Once Things Go Back to “Normal”?

With every child in America having to home school because of COVID-19, many schools have switched to pass/fail grading. Should this be the new normal?


How to Celebrate Mother’s Day This Year

Social distancing and sheltering in place doesn’t mean you can’t connect in meaningful ways with the most important women in your life.


How to Prepare For Coronavirus Without Freaking Out Your Family

Preparing is important. But how do you do so without going full disaster prepper? It all comes down to active optimism.


Why Men Take So Much Pride in Eating a Lot of Food

Whether to show off, prove heartiness, or engage in the lowest common denominator competition possible, men go to great lengths to stuff themselves.


American Lawns Are a Waste of Water and Time. Xeriscape Landscaping Is the Future

The common-sense philosophy has water conservation as its major objective. Adopt it, and your yard, water bill, and bank account will thank you. So will the planet.


7 Instagram Rules Every Couple Needs to Follow

Trust us, you don’t want to be “that couple.”
