Nicholas Kavalier


Why You Should Schedule Sex With Your Wife

It's about making a weekly promise to connect; sex is a bonus. Just don't label it on your calendar as "Bone o'clock"


The $7 Sleep Spray That Finally Helped Me Get Some Rest

I struggled with sleep issues for years. Finally, I found relief in a routine made possible not by an eye mask or new sheets but a $7 pillow spray


可怕的婴儿潮一代需要育儿建议Stop Telling Us

It's time for some of this "back in my day…" advice to be retired.


The Formerly Freaky New Parents Who’ve Fallen Asleep During Sex

"We were that and now we are this,” Joe says. “And this is amazing,”


What Couples Don’t Talk About in Their Marriage

Every marriage has a "third rail" issue — a topic both partners agree not to discuss because it causes too many issues. But not discussing the small things can have big picture problems.


9 Toddler Habits That Drive Parents Absolutely Bonkers

#3 Their ability to hide goldfish crackers in every possible crevice


Just Suck It Up and Tell Your Partner About Your Day

I used to hate being asked "How was your day?" But once I stopped griping and learned to just answer it, good things happened.


Keep Score With Your Wife

It's about competition, sure. And fun. But it's also about keeping yourselves accountable.


Embrace the Breakfast Date

A short stack and a few uninterrupted hours in the morning with your partner can do wonders for your week — and yourself.
